Looking for a good tooling?



Engineering and CAE analys

• Mould flow analysis
• Estrutural & Thermal analysis
• Die casting
• Material selection


Fast parts and Moulds for checking before the mass production

Additive metal and plastic manufacturing

• Product development, prototyping.
• Final parts for industrial and low production machines.
• Cubing, fitting and shaping for automotive industry.
• Consumer goods.


the best solution in tools with the latest generation technologies and renowned engineers.

Our Cases

Constructing a best partinership to improve your company


Engineering is our passion, which inspires us to turn imagination into reality. The connection with our customers added to the professional and multidisciplinary team, allows us to provide consulting services, by facilitating the resolution of design and manufacturing problems. On the other hand, we search for innovative solutions in order to come up with the improvement of the functional design, incorporating properties and characteristics in the mechanical and electronic components, as well as its control software.

All-in-One Solution
for Your Company

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward.

  • Different Demos with Real Content
  • Advanced Portfolio with Case Studies
  • 24/7 Support with Live Chat


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